
Orifice Disk

1.Introduction of product function:

     l Lincontrol has realized the process of mass-production of Orifice disk stamping and femtosecond laser rapid proofing,has the advantages of fast sample preparation and high speed and low cost mass-production.licensed to IP and Knowhow by VT,had gotten a complete set of data for R&D, testing, manufacturing and quality control.Mass production stamping die, punch, OD flow test stand completely consistent with the VT.

2.Introduction of product performance:

     l Static flow :0.63~6.0 g/s 

     l SMD :60~100 μm

     l Cone angle : 10°~ 30°

     l Bent angle : 0°~ 25°

     l Split angle : 15°~ 30°

3.Product application scope :

   l  It is suitable for the gasoline engine fuel injection system of civilian vehicles using specified fuel (passenger cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and small engines, etc.) 

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